Sunday, 25 August 2013

Back in Time: Leniwe (Lazy Pierogi)

#easyfoodcreations #healthyeating #leniwe

This is the very first dish I was able to make all by myself at the age of 5. My first dish will always stay very close to my heart so today you will have a chance to see how to get your kids cooking and what is possible for them to do at that age. I believe that at the early age kids should be involved in the kitchen as much as it is suitable to their abilities. If they don't get burned and cut then it will happen 10 or 15 years later  so we are not really protecting anyone here, just delaying when it will happen. Getting kids involved early will help them love cooking and with that often comes passion for healthy eating.

My mom showed me how to make this dish as I was requesting to to have it way too often. At the age of 5 I mastered it and never forgot how to make it.
In Poland there are number of ways how people enjoy leniwe - some people eat them with sugar, some like them with cream. This version is with breadcrumbs with butter. I made them this way since I was 5 years old and it is still my favourite version.

250g quark or cottage cheese (I prefer quark as it has not added salt)
2 eggs
0.5-1c white flour
2T cinnamon (cinnamon gives you a feeling of sweetness)
1 packet of vanilla sugar (you can add more if you like; I don't like using too much sugar)
3T butter
3T bread crumbs

1. Mix quark with eggs until fairly smooth.
2. Add flour to the quark mixture. Work it with your hands to stretch gluten, add more flour if required.
3. Once dough is elastic roll it with your hand on a flour dusted chopping board. Cut into pieces.
4. Bring a pot of water with a pinch of salt to boil.
5. Place pieces of dough into the water and cook until they start floating on the top.
6. On the pan, add breadcrumbs, let them brown a little bit then add butter. Once butter is melted pour over cooked leniwe.
7. Enjoy!

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